what we do

We encourage all members taking an interest in work skills to consider Supported Employment.
We work with our members to build a 'vocational profile', based on their skills, ambitions and experience.
We network with a range of local employers to identify work placement opportunities most likely to produce mutual value for both them and our members.
Once we have matched one of our members to a placement, our job coaches equip them with the necessary skills, often with 1-1 support 'on the job'. This support is gradually phased out, as the person displays competence and confidence in their role.

Parchment is such a wonderful service tailored to support Thomas' complex needs. You have given him the ability to enjoy and participate in activities, which is wonderful for him and his quality of life.
— Ita and Homi

“Jen has been enabled to live an amazing life with support workers who put Jen and her needs at the heart of her service...There is no other service which would have been able to meet Jen's needs in the way Parchment Trust have”
— Yvonne

Service Manager

Team Leader

Team Leader
meet the team

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