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Our mission is to create a society where everyone has the opportunity to work.


As members of BASE (British Association for Supported Employment), we are committed to offering person-centred support strategies to open up the world of work and employment to our members.

We aim to create work placements that provide value to both our members and their employers. We use job matching to ensure that suitable placements are established, with ongoing support which is reviewed regularly.

provide a work placement

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Member of British Association for Supported Employment

how we support

  • Get to know your business

  • Job matching to get the right person and job combination

  • Provide on-the-job training and complete support package (at no cost to the employer!)

  • Assistance with reasonable adjustments

  • Always at the end of the phone to deal with issues


workplace culture

Employing people with a learning disability can add real value to your workplace culture. Employers report benefits that include:


a more diverse workplace

better co-worker partnerships

improved attitudes in the company

According to a study of 57 employers in Sheffield, people with learning disabilities are often motivated and willing to learn, have high job satisfaction and are hard working. They were often honest, friendly, and were unlikely to cause trouble.*


economic benefits

​Learning disabled adults can bring enhanced economic benefits to your organisation.

Research commissioned by Mencap reveals that: “People with learning disabilities stay in their jobs longer than their non-disabled co-workers. The same study found people with a learning disability had no whole day absences, compared to 1-6 days missed by matched non-disabled co-workers, and they were late only 3 times, compared to 20 times for non-disabled comparators.”

This can represent significant financial value for employers in terms of productivity and recruitment costs.

Fact sheet 2: The benefits of hiring someone with a learning disability in your workplace | Mencap

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87% of consumers interviewed in a large study specifically agreed that they would prefer to give their business to companies that hire people with disabilities.*

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positive impact

Your business may need to make reasonable adjustments - however...

  • On average, adjustment costs are only £75

  • A study shows 65% of accommodations are cost-neutral

  • 55% of employers reported just a one-time cost for making adjustments.*

benefits for your business


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Parchment is such a wonderful service tailored to support Thomas' complex needs. You have given him the ability to enjoy and participate in activities, which is wonderful for him and his quality of life.

— Ita and Homi


“Jen has been enabled to live an amazing life with support workers who put Jen and her needs at the heart of her service...There is no other service which would have been able to meet Jen's needs in the way Parchment Trust have”

— Yvonne

talk to us

We would love to have a conversation with you about your business and how we can work together to establish a successful work placement.  

If you would like more information about our supported employment services, then please get in touch with our job coach, Heather.

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